Coingecko Crypto prices

Make your home react to your favorite cryptocurrencies.
Make your home react to your favorite cryptocurrencies.

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Når …

Coingecko Crypto prices
There's been a price change of... ...
Coingecko Crypto prices
The 24h change becomes negative ...
Coingecko Crypto prices
The 24h change becomes positive ...

Og …

Coingecko Crypto prices
24h change is positive ...


Utvikleren av denne appen tilbyr ikke direkte støtte.


Versjon 0.2.0 — Added try/catch to API call, better formatting.

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Coingecko Crypto prices

Coingecko Crypto prices er ikke kompatibel med den valgte Homey.

Coingecko Crypto prices vil straks installeres på Homey.