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Adds support for P1 Monitor ZTATZ

자세히 읽기 ›

지원되는 디바이스

Flow 카드

위의 디바이스를 클릭하면 관련 Flow 카드만 표시됩니다.


P1 Daily Usage
End total gas usage today
P1 Daily Usage
End total electricity usage today
P1 Daily Usage
End total electricity production today
P1 Daily Usage
End total water usage today
P1 Generation
전력 변경됨
P1 Generation
Power generation high tarif has changed
P1 Generation
Power generation low tarif has changed
P1 Heating
Heating temperature IN has changed
P1 Heating
Heating temperature OUT has changed
P1 Heating
Delta temperature has changed
P1 Usage
전력 변경됨
P1 Usage
Power used high tarif has changed
P1 Usage
Power used low tarif has changed
P1 Usage
A new version of ZTATZ is available
P1 Usage
Gas usage has changed
P1 Water
수량 변경됨
P1 Water
수도 계량 변경됨


이 앱에 문제가 있습니까? 개발자에게 문의하려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

새로운 기능

버전 0.9.0 — Repackage app after it broke due to issue new homey npm version

업데이트 로그 보기


선택하신 Homey에 ZTATZ이(가) 호환되지 않습니다.

ZTATZ이(가) 곧 Homey에 설치됩니다.
앱 설치