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Automate your todo list for the tasks Homey cannot do for you.
Automate your todo list for the tasks Homey cannot do for you.

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


TickTick User
Create Task with Title in List
Creates a task
TickTick User
Create Task with Title and start date today in List
Creates a task with start date today
TickTick User
Create Task with Title with the start date Days days from today in List
Create Task with start date x days from today
TickTick User
Create Task with Title with the start date Days days from today in List with a Priority priority
Create Task with start date x days from today with priority


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Versione 1.1.0 — New cards to create tasks x days from now and with priority

Visualizza il changelog


TickTick non è compatibile con l'Homey selezionato.

TickTickverrà installato a breve su Homey.