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# Pushover notifications for Athom Homey
This app lets you send Pushover notifications to use in flows on a Homey device (by Athom).
1. Go to and login
2. Grab your user key
3. Grab your relevant group key (if used)
4. Create a new application for Homey
5. Grab your created application key
6. Go to settings on your Homey, and under Pushover Notifications fill in your user, group & application/token key and save.
## Donate
If the Pushover app is useful to you, buy me a beer!
[![Paypal donate][pp-donate-image]][pp-donate-link]
## Changelog
### 1.0.0
* App made SDK3 compatible
### 0.0.14
* App made SDK2 compatible
### 0.0.13
* Added titles and hints to the flow card actions
### 0.0.12
* Multiple fixes (thanks to Vekdkornet):
* Updated colour scheme to "Pushover blue"
* Support for group notifications. Add your group key under settings.
* Additional Dutch translations
### 0.0.11
* Multiple fixes (thanks to Vekdkornet):
* Fixed an issue where all messages were being sent as "Normal" priority
* Fixed an issue where the send message to device flow would not work
* Added Notification Sound on the Image Flow Card
* Added support for Custom Subject
* Added support for Device Default Sound
* Added support for Emergency Priority
### 0.0.10
* Fixed device selection in flow card
* Added confirmation for saved settings
### 0.0.9
* Image support thanks to Kevin Traa
### 0.0.8
* Fixed bug where logging didn't work for pushover device card
### 0.0.7
* Added check to see if Message isn't empty to fix app crash
* Added Insight logging support
Leggi di più ›
Schede dei Flow
Pushover Notifications
Send message to Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Pushover Notifications
Send message to device Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) and set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Pushover Notifications
Send message with ... to Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Hai un problema con questa app?
Contatta lo sviluppatore qui.
Versione 1.1.0 — Fix for image flow card
Visualizza il changelog