< converter >

Convert GPS coordinates, IP addresses and more directly from your Homey
Convert GPS coordinates, IP addresses and more directly from your Homey

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GPS to address
There is a new GPS coordinate converted
Image to text
There is a new image converted
IP to location
There is a new IP address converted
Number to address
There is a new phone number converted
Website to pdf
There is a new website converted


GPS to address
GPS coordinate are latitude & longitude
Image to text
Image url is Image url and my apiKey is ApiKey
IP to location
IP address are IP address and my access key is Access key
Number to address
Phone number is Phone number and my apiKey is ApiKey
Website to pdf
Website url is Website url and my apiKey is ApiKey


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Versione 1.0.5 — Bug fix

Visualizza il changelog

< converter >

&lt; converter &gt; non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

< converter >verrà installato a breve su Homey.