HomeKit Controller

Homekit Controller for a better Homey
Homekit Controller for a better Homey

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


Homekit IP
Zone Select Room or Zone became free
Homekit IP
Zone Select Room or Zone became occupied
Homekit IP
Button Button has been pressed
Homekit IP
Snapshot from camera or doorbell
Homekit IP
Capability Capabilities has changed
Homekit IP
Sensor Sensor state has been changed
Homekit IP
Zone Select Zone is minutes or seconds <= 10! Unit active
Homekit IP
Zone Select Zone is minutes or seconds <= 10! Unit inactive


Homekit IP
Room or Zone select Room or Zone is occupied
Homekit IP
Capability Capabilities is Capability options, or value Capability number


Homekit IP
Imposta un colore ...
Homekit IP
Set a random color
Homekit IP
Update Capabilities with Capability options, or update with the value Capability number
Homekit IP
Create snapshot
Homekit IP
Imposta la tonalità °
Select a color from the hue scale, for example red (0°/360°), yellow (60°), or blue (180°).
Homekit IP
Imposta la saturazione %
Homekit IP
Imposta una temperatura %
Regola la temperatura della luce. Un valore più alto indica un colore più caldo.


Hai un problema con questa app? Contatta lo sviluppatore tramite Forum della community di Homey.


Versione 1.3.18 — Fixing in some bridge accesories

Visualizza il changelog

HomeKit Controller

HomeKit Controller non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

HomeKit Controllerverrà installato a breve su Homey.