Passing Ships - Norway

Get alerts for ships entering your specified area
Get alerts for ships entering your specified area

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Dispositivi supportati

Schede dei Flow

Clicca su un dispositivo qui sopra per visualizzare solo le schede dei Flow correlate.


Ship area
Name of ship is passing
Ship area
Ship is passing from From direction
Ship area
Ship is passing at speed over Speed over kn kn
Ship area
Ship is passing with length over Length over m m
Ship area
Ship is passing


Lo sviluppatore di questa app non offre un supporto diretto.


Versione 0.9.6 — Updated Appstore descriptions

Visualizza il changelog

Passing Ships - Norway

Passing Ships - Norway non è compatibile con l’Homey selezionato.

Passing Ships - Norwayverrà installato a breve su Homey.