Interact with your Xbox using the smartglass features
It is inspired by the OpenXbox project and using their nodejs library to make it an compatible app for Homey.
With the app you can turn on and turn off your XBox One and you can use a workflow card to see what app is running on the Xbox.
The running app name is the Application User Model ID. Unfortunatly these do not translate to windows app store app id's.
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Cartes Flow
Cliquez sur un appareil ci-dessus pour afficher uniquement les cartes Flow associées.
Xbox console
Started Gaming
Xbox console
App playing changed
Xbox console
Xbox ... powered on
Xbox console
Xbox ... powered off
Xbox console
Alterner activé ou désactivé
Xbox console
Press controller Button button
Xbox console
Press media Button button
Xbox console
Launch app Xbox.Dashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Xbox.Dashboard.Application
Le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
Version 0.5.4 — Addd support for hew device class gameconsole
Afficher le journal des modifications