Trashcan Reminder 2.0

Use this app to check when your trash will be collected
Use this app to check when your trash will be collected

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Cartes Flow


Trashcan Reminder 2.0
Type? will be cleaned When?
This card will run successful when the container of selected type is cleaned.
Trashcan Reminder 2.0
Type? will be collected When?
This card will run successful when the trash of selected type is collected.


Trashcan Reminder 2.0
What trash type will be cleaned When?
This card will give you three tokens to use for your flow. One if a trash container will be cleaned, another one with what container will be cleaned, and a last one with the value from the settings page of the cleaned type.
Trashcan Reminder 2.0
What type will be collected When?
This card will give you three tokens to use for your flow. One if a trash type will be collected, another one with what type will be collected, and a last one with the value from the settings page of the collected type.


Vous pouvez ajouter les widgets de cette application à votre tableau de bord ou à votre écran d’accueil dans l’application mobile.

Trash Overview
Trash Overview


Vous avez un problème avec cette appli ? Contacter le développeur ici.


Version 5.1.7 — Added Woerden (#227), added 5 week manual interval (#226), fixed (#228), added widget highlight when trash is collected (can be toggled on/off through widget settings).

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Trashcan Reminder 2.0

Trashcan Reminder 2.0 n’est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

Trashcan Reminder 2.0 va s’installer sur Homey dans un instant.