Pushover Notifications

Pushover Notification with Image support

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Pushover Notification with Image support

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Cartes Flow


Pushover Notifications
Send message to Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification to a User / Group.
Pushover Notifications
Send message to device Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) and set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification to a specific device.
Pushover Notifications
Send message with ... to Target with Title and Message set Priority set Sound set Emergency Retry Interval (seconds) set Emergency Retry Expiration (seconds)
Send a Pushover notification with an image to a User / Group.


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Version 1.1.0 — Fix for image flow card

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Pushover Notifications

Pushover Notifications n’est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

Pushover Notifications va s’installer sur Homey dans un instant.