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Seat Connect

Connected with your SEAT
Connected with your SEAT

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Appareils pris en charge

Cartes Flow

Cliquez sur un appareil ci-dessus pour afficher uniquement les cartes Flow associées.


Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
Connection has changed
Seat - Fuel
Car came/left Home
Seat - Fuel
Is vehicle moving / not moving
Seat - Fuel
Plug connection has changed
Seat - Fuel
Driven mileage has changed
Seat - Fuel
Estimated max range has changed
Seat - Fuel
Fuel-level has changed
Seat - Fuel
The inspection (Days) has changed
Seat - Fuel
The inspection (KM) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil change (Days) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil change (KM) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil-level has changed
Seat - Fuel
Range has changed
Seat - Fuel
The outdoor temperature changed
Seat - Fuel
Data has updated
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
Le niveau de la batterie a changé
Seat - Hybrid
Started/Stopped charging
Seat - Hybrid
Climatisation is on/off
Seat - Hybrid
Connection has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Car came/left Home
Seat - Hybrid
Is vehicle moving / not moving
Seat - Hybrid
Plug connection has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge power (KW) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge rate (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge target has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Driven mileage has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Estimated max range has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Fuel-level has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The inspection (Days) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The inspection (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil change (Days) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil change (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil-level has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Range has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Remaining charge time has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Remaining climate time has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The outdoor temperature changed
Seat - Hybrid
Data has updated


Seat - Fuel
Un verrou est verrouillé
Seat - Fuel
is connected
Seat - Fuel
is home
Seat - Fuel
is moving
Seat - Fuel
plug is connected
Seat - Hybrid
Un verrou est verrouillé
Seat - Hybrid
is charging
Seat - Hybrid
Is climatisation on
Seat - Hybrid
is connected
Seat - Hybrid
is home
Seat - Hybrid
is moving
Seat - Hybrid
plug is connected


Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
... battery charge
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation (V2)
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation (V3)
Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
Flash & Honk
Seat - Fuel
Force Refresh
Seat - Fuel
Set update interval to Update interval minutes
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation (V2)
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation (V3)
Seat - Fuel
... window heating
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
... battery charge
Seat - Hybrid
Set Min. Charge limit to Min. Charge limit
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation (V2)
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation (V3)
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
Flash & Honk
Seat - Hybrid
Force Refresh
Seat - Hybrid
Set Max. Charge level to ...
Seat - Hybrid
Set update interval to Update interval minutes
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation (V2)
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation (V3)
Seat - Hybrid
... window heating


Vous avez un problème avec cette appli ? Contacter le développeur ici.


Version 1.26.5 — FIX: fallback mapping

Afficher le journal des modifications

Seat Connect

Seat Connect n'est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

Seat Connect va s'installer sur Homey dans un instant.