Solax Inverter

Connect Solax Inverter to Homey
Connect Solax Inverter to Homey

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Dispositivos compatibles

Tarjetas Flow

Haz clic en el dispositivo de arriba para mostrar solo las tarjetas Flow relacionadas.


Solax Cloud
El nivel de la batería ha cambiado
Solax Cloud
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Cloud
El contador de energía ha cambiado
Solax Cloud
Battery Power changed
Solax Cloud
Feed-In Power changed
Solax Cloud
Load Power changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
El nivel de la batería ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G3)
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G3)
El contador de energía ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G3)
Battery Power changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
Feed-In Power changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
Load Power changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
Manual Mode changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
Run Mode changed
Solax Modbus (G3)
Use Mode changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
El nivel de la batería ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G4)
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G4)
El contador de energía ha cambiado
Solax Modbus (G4)
Battery Power changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
Feed-In Power changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
Load Power changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
Manual Mode changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
Run Mode changed
Solax Modbus (G4)
Use Mode changed
Solax Modbus Battery
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Modbus Battery
El nivel de la batería ha cambiado
Solax Modbus Feed-In
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Modbus Load
La potencia ha cambiado
Solax Modbus Load
El contador de energía ha cambiado


Solax Modbus (G3)
Export limit limit
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G3)
Charger min. capacity capacity
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G3)
Charger use mode ...
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G3)
Manual mode ...
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G3)
Charge Period 1 Start Hour Hour
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G4)
Export limit limit
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G4)
Charger min. capacity capacity
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G4)
Charger use mode ...
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G4)
Manual mode ...
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.
Solax Modbus (G4)
Charge Period 1 Start Hour Hour
EEPROM has the write times limit.Too frequent operation will lead to irreversible hardware damage.


¿Tienes algún problema con esta aplicación? Contacta con el desarrollador aquí.


Versión 3.6.2 — Fix.

Ver registro de cambios

Solax Inverter

Solax Inverter no es compatible con el Homey seleccionado.

Solax Inverter se instalará en Homey en breve.