A smart home with ELKO devices make your life more comfortable, gives you more safety and help to consume less electricity - while providing a great look. With ELKO Smart, the smartness doesn't come at the expense of design and quality - it enhances it!
You can control some of the most popular ELKO Smart devices directly in the Homey-app, without the need of additional gateway. This is what we call a smart home!
Read more ›
Supported devices
Connected socket outlet
Connected Socket Outlet
Dimmer Micromodule
Door/Window Sensor
Freelocate Switch
Motion Dimmer
Motion Sensor
Motion Switch
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Power Micromodule
Push-button Dimmer
Relay Switch
Rotary Dimmer
Shutter Micromodule
Shutter Switch
Smart Plug 16A
Smart Thermostat
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Smoke Alarm
Super Thermostat
Switch Micromodule
Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Water Leakage Sensor
Flow cards
Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.
Connected socket outlet
Turned on
Connected socket outlet
Turned off
Connected socket outlet
The power meter changed
Connected socket outlet
The power changed
Connected socket outlet
The electric current changed
Connected socket outlet
The voltage changed
Connected Socket Outlet
Turned on
Connected Socket Outlet
Turned off
Connected Socket Outlet
The power meter changed
Connected Socket Outlet
The power changed
Connected Socket Outlet
The electric current changed
Connected Socket Outlet
The voltage changed
Dimmer Micromodule
Turned on
Dimmer Micromodule
Turned off
Dimmer Micromodule
The dim level changed
Door/Window Sensor
The contact alarm turned on
Door/Window Sensor
The contact alarm turned off
Door/Window Sensor
The battery level changed
Freelocate Switch
The battery level changed
Freelocate Switch
Held button Button
Freelocate Switch
Long pressed button Button
Freelocate Switch
Pressed button Button
Motion Dimmer
The dim level changed
Motion Dimmer
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Dimmer
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Dimmer
The luminance changed
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Sensor
The luminance changed
Motion Sensor
The battery level changed
Motion Switch
The motion alarm turned on
Motion Switch
The motion alarm turned off
Motion Switch
The luminance changed
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Turned on
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Turned off
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
The dim level changed
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Input scene activated with Input action
Power Micromodule
Turned on
Power Micromodule
Turned off
Power Micromodule
The power meter changed
Power Micromodule
The power changed
Push-button Dimmer
Turned on
Push-button Dimmer
Turned off
Push-button Dimmer
The dim level changed
Rotary Dimmer
The dim level changed
Shutter Micromodule
The position changed
Shutter Micromodule
The state changed ...
Shutter Micromodule
The tilt position changed
Shutter Micromodule
Tilt changed to [[windowcoverings_tilt_set]]
Shutter Switch
The position changed
Shutter Switch
The state changed ...
Shutter Switch
The tilt position changed
Shutter Switch
Tilt changed to [[windowcoverings_tilt_set]]
Smart Plug 16A
Turned off
Smart Plug 16A
The power meter changed
Smart Plug 16A
The power changed
Smart Thermostat
Turned on
Smart Thermostat
Turned off
Smart Thermostat
The temperature changes
Smart Thermostat
The target temperature changed
Smart Thermostat
The power changed
Smart Thermostat
The power meter changed
Smart Thermostat
The duty cycle changed
Smart Thermostat
The air temperature changed
Smart Thermostat
The floor temperature changed
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Turned on
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Turned off
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
The dim level changed
Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm turned on
Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm turned off
Smoke Alarm
The battery level changed
Smoke Alarm
The temperature changes
Smoke Alarm
Test mode activated
Super Thermostat
Turned on
Super Thermostat
Turned off
Super Thermostat
The temperature changes
Super Thermostat
The target temperature changed
Super Thermostat
The power changed
Super Thermostat
The duty cycle changed
Super Thermostat
The air temperature changed
Super Thermostat
The floor temperature changed
Switch Micromodule
Turned on
Switch Micromodule
Turned off
Temperature & Humidity Sensor
The temperature changes
Temperature & Humidity Sensor
The humidity changed
Temperature & Humidity Sensor
The battery level changed
Water Leakage Sensor
The water alarm turned on
Water Leakage Sensor
The water alarm turned off
Water Leakage Sensor
The battery level changed
Connected socket outlet
Is turned on
Connected Socket Outlet
Is turned on
Dimmer Micromodule
Is turned on
Door/Window Sensor
The contact alarm is on
Motion Dimmer
Is turned on
Motion Dimmer
The motion alarm is on
Motion Sensor
The motion alarm is on
Motion Switch
Is turned on
Motion Switch
The motion alarm is on
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Is turned on
Power Micromodule
Is turned on
Push-button Dimmer
Is turned on
Relay Switch
Is turned on
Rotary Dimmer
Is turned on
Shutter Micromodule
The state is ...
Shutter Switch
The state is ...
Smart Plug 16A
Is turned on
Smart Thermostat
Is turned on
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Is turned on
Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm is on
Super Thermostat
Is turned on
Switch Micromodule
Is turned on
Water Leakage Sensor
The water alarm is on
Connected socket outlet
Turn on
Connected socket outlet
Turn off
Connected socket outlet
Toggle on or off
Connected Socket Outlet
Turn on
Connected Socket Outlet
Turn off
Connected Socket Outlet
Toggle on or off
Dimmer Micromodule
Turn on
Dimmer Micromodule
Turn off
Dimmer Micromodule
Toggle on or off
Dimmer Micromodule
Dim to %
Dimmer Micromodule
Set relative dim-level %
Motion Dimmer
Toggle on or off
Motion Dimmer
Set relative dim-level %
Motion Dimmer
Set the occupancy operation mode to Occupancy Operation
Motion Switch
Toggle on or off
Motion Switch
Set the occupancy operation mode to Occupancy Operation
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Turn on
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Turn off
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Toggle on or off
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Dim to %
Multiwire Dimmer Micromodule
Set relative dim-level %
Power Micromodule
Turn on
Power Micromodule
Turn off
Power Micromodule
Toggle on or off
Push-button Dimmer
Turn on
Push-button Dimmer
Turn off
Push-button Dimmer
Toggle on or off
Push-button Dimmer
Dim to %
Push-button Dimmer
Set relative dim-level %
Relay Switch
Toggle on or off
Rotary Dimmer
Toggle on or off
Rotary Dimmer
Set relative dim-level %
Shutter Micromodule
Set the position to %
Shutter Micromodule
Set state ...
Shutter Micromodule
Set the tilt position to %
Shutter Micromodule
Set the tilt to Percentage
Shutter Switch
Set the position to %
Shutter Switch
Set state ...
Shutter Switch
Set the tilt position to %
Shutter Switch
Set the tilt to Percentage
Smart Plug 16A
Toggle on or off
Smart Thermostat
Turn off
Smart Thermostat
Toggle on or off
Smart Thermostat
Set the temperature °C
Smart Thermostat
Set the duty cycle to Duty cycle
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Turn on
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Turn off
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Toggle on or off
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Dim to %
SmartDim 316 GLED dimmer
Set relative dim-level %
Super Thermostat
Turn off
Super Thermostat
Toggle on or off
Super Thermostat
Set the temperature °C
Super Thermostat
Set the duty cycle to Duty cycle
Switch Micromodule
Turn on
Switch Micromodule
Turn off
Switch Micromodule
Toggle on or off
What’s new
Version 1.17.1 — Fix shutter settings, fix setting translation
View changelog