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V2C Wallbox

Intelligence, innovation and maximum control at your fingertips
Intelligence, innovation and maximum control at your fingertips

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


V2C Wallbox
The power changed
V2C Wallbox
The power meter changed
V2C Wallbox
Car is connected
V2C Wallbox
Car is disconnected
V2C Wallbox
Car starts charging
V2C Wallbox
Slave Error Changed
V2C Wallbox
Connection state changed to State changed to


V2C Wallbox
Car is connected
V2C Wallbox
Car is charging
V2C Wallbox
Power is greater than Power (W) W
V2C Wallbox
Power is less than Power (W) W
V2C Wallbox
Charging is paused
V2C Wallbox
Charging is not paused
V2C Wallbox
API connection has error
V2C Wallbox
Calculated current Current Input (A) is ... Compare Current (A) A
You can use this card together with the calculate current card and then set intensity for better control of surplus from your PV system.


V2C Wallbox
Set Charger State to Pause
V2C Wallbox
Set Lock State to Lock
V2C Wallbox
Set Charger Intensity to Intensity Amps
V2C Wallbox
Set charging power to Power W - parameters: Phase Mode phase, Voltage V Voltage Type, min 6 A, max Maximum Amps A, round result Amps - Rounding
Sets charging power of the wallbox according to specified value in Watts. Useful for solar charging - always charges at minimum 6A even if there is not enough surplus. Negative power values will be converted to positive. Calculated current is limited by minimum 6A and maximum per parameter. You can choose rounding method for finer control over charging power.
V2C Wallbox
Calculate current from Power W (with buffer Buffer Power W) - parameters: Phase Mode phase, Voltage V Voltage Type, max Maximum Amps A, round result Amps - Rounding
Calculates charging current based on given power with optional buffer. Perfect for smart solar charging control - if calculated current drops below 6A even with buffer, you can pause charging and wait for more surplus. Buffer allows utilizing short-term surplus. Rounding can be used to optimize surplus utilization. Result can be used in other flow cards for charging control.
V2C Wallbox
Set Dynamic Mode to Dynamic Mode
V2C Wallbox
Set Minimum Intensity in Dynamic Mode to Minimum Intensity Amps
V2C Wallbox
Set Maximum Intensity in Dynamic Mode to Maximum Intensity Amps
V2C Wallbox
Set Dynamic Power Mode to Dynamic Power Mode
V2C Wallbox
Set Counter Type energy counter to Energy Value (kWh) kWh
Note: Counters are automatically reset at the beginning of each period. Use this card only for manual corrections if needed.


You can add this app's widgets to your dashboard or homescreen in the mobile app.

V2C Wallbox Status
V2C Wallbox Status


Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer by sending an e-mail.

What's new

Version 1.4.20 — lowered homey npm package to save that 30MBs of space

View changelog

V2C Wallbox

V2C Wallbox is not compatible with the selected Homey.

V2C Wallbox will install on Homey shortly.
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