JavaScript Logic

Use advanced logic through JavaScript
Use advanced logic through JavaScript

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Flow cards


JavaScript Logic
Date and month becomes Date number Month


JavaScript Logic
Is Date one before Date two
Day-Month-Year (Separator can be '-', '.', or '/')
JavaScript Logic
Is DateTime one before DateTime two
Day-Month-Year (Separator can be '-', '.', or '/') HH:mm (Separator can be ':', or '.')
JavaScript Logic
Day and month is between Date number oneMonth one and Date number twoMonth two
When second day and month is earlier than the first day and month, it is considered to be next year
JavaScript Logic
Date number is between Date number one and Date number two
When second date number is earlier than the first date number, it is considered to be next month
JavaScript Logic
Random (true|false)
This will randomly be true or false
JavaScript Logic
Month is between Month one and Month two
When second month is earlier than the first month, it is considered to be next year
JavaScript Logic
value1 is between value2 and value3 (includes: Is values included?)
True if value1 is between value2 and value3
JavaScript Logic
Is Time one before Time two
HH:mm (Separator can be ':', or '.')
JavaScript Logic
Value contains one of Array items split by ';'? Case sensitive (Check as case sensitive?)
Does [value] contain [one of items]?
JavaScript Logic
Is Value empty
JavaScript Logic
Is Value exactly one of Array items split by ';'? Case sensitive (Check as case sensitive?)
Is [value] exactly [one of items]?
JavaScript Logic
Is length of Text value less than Max length
JavaScript Logic
Is "weekday" one of Monday;Friday
Is "weekday" [one of items]? Array items split by ';'


JavaScript Logic
Get date and time Amount ... ahead in Format, like 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss' format


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What’s new

Version 1.6.0 — Lint fixes and Dependency updates

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JavaScript Logic

JavaScript Logic is not compatible with the selected Homey.

JavaScript Logic will install on Homey shortly.
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