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School holidays

School holidays to be used in your flow
School holidays to be used in your flow

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Und ...

School holidays
Day it is Holiday
This flow will continue when it is (not) the choosen holiday. (You can set it up via setting)
School holidays
Day it is school holiday in Region
This flow will continue when there is/isn't a school holiday
School holidays
Day it is Holiday in Region
This flow will continue when there is/isn't a specific school holiday


Du kannst die Widgets dieser App zu deinem Dashboard oder Startbildschirm in der mobilen App hinzufügen.

Upcoming holiday
Upcoming holiday


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Was ist neu?

Version 2.1.2 — Bugfixes

Changelog ansehen

School holidays

School holidays ist mit dem gewählten Homey nicht kompatibel.

School holidays wird in Kürze auf Homey installiert.