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This app will enable Google API's to store data from your homey to a Google Spreadsheet in your Google cloud.
You need to configure the App before use.
Steps to create a Credentials JSON file, and set all configuration, see further down in the documentation.
You must restart the App after updating SheetId og Credential JSON.
Then it's just to add Action Card in your flow to start logging.
Instructions to use is documented in the Developers Homepage Link of the application, you find it in the bottom of this page
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Karty Flow
Easy Logger
Easy Logger
Append multicell items in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and range-name range-name with delimited values delimited-data
Easy Logger
Create a sheet named shett-name in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id
Easy Logger
Remove all entries in the queue
Easy Logger
Insert multicell items in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and sheet-id sheet-id at row-nbr row-nbr, column-nbr column-nbr with delimited values delimited-data
Easy Logger
Set a cell in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id with cell-name of cell-name and delimited data delimited-data
Easy Logger
Update multicell in spreadsheet spreadsheet-id and sheet sheet-id at row-nbr row-nbr, column-nbr column-nbr with delimited values delimited-data
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Wersja 1.9.7 — Updated to verified level
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