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Light Triggers

Control your lights with Flows.
Control your lights with Flows.

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Karty Flow


Light Triggers
Light: Anything has changed
Triggered when any property of the selected device changes (e.g. on/off, dim, hue, saturation, temperature)
Light Triggers
Light Hue has changed
Light Triggers
Light Saturation has changed
Light Triggers
Light temperature has changed


Light Triggers
Passtrough trigger to Light
This will send the trigger to the selected device. e.g. a light turned on, then this card can passtrough the same action to the selected light.


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Wersja 1.1.3 — FIX: prevent ghost changes for some zigbee lights

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Light Triggers

Ta aplikacja może zarządzać całym Homey.

Light Triggers nie jest kompatybilna z wybranym Homey.

Light Triggers zostanie wkrótce zainstalowana na Homey.