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# Space Homey
Interactive Flor Plan Widget for Homey Dashboard
# Where to get it
# What is Space Homey?
Space Homey is an app that allows you to create a floor plan of your home and use it to interact with devices.
# Usage
1. Create Floor under Settings (Dashboard or Device)
2. Add your devices and position them on the floor
3. Create rules to style and set behaviors
4. Go to Dashboard and add widget
5. Select your floor
6. Have fun
# Supported device capabilities
- On/Off
- Dim
- Alarm Motion
- Alarm Contact
# Known Issues
- Not really working on Widget outside Dashboard
- Upload images in settings on desktop is problematic (try on mobile)
# Coming Soon
- More Supported Device Capabilities
- Support for Widget on Home Screen
- More capabilities rules
- Support for sizing icons
# Contribute
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Wersja 0.1.3 — Fixed images for widget
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