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Idinio smart home products make your home more pleasant to live in because smart home products become indispensable in our lives. More and more products use the internet, so everything can be controlled from a distance or can be automated.
We offer our customers quality products based on the most popular smart home protocols like Zigbee, Z-Wave and Tuya. Our products can be the missing link in you smart home configuration since we focus on niche solutions too. We call our range ‘Building blocks for your smart home’ since we believe that brands are less important than protocols and we don’t want to imprison people in branded smart home ecosystems. Consumers simply need to be able to integrate the best possible solution which meets their demands.
Supported devices in current version of the app:
- Zigbee Rotary Dimmer Switch
- Zigbee Module Dimmer Switch
- Zigbee Cord Dimmer Switch
- Zigbee Foot Dimmer Switch
- Z-wave Rotary Dimmer Switch, with metering
- Z-wave Module Dimmer Switch, with metering
- Z-wave Cord Dimmer Switch, with metering
- Z-wave Foot Dimmer Switch, with metering
The Idinio range consists of various smart products for Zigbee, Z-wave and Tuya networks.