10주년을 축하해주세요. 이번 주에 한해 Homey Pro 또는 Homey Bridge 10번째 구매자마다 무료로 드립니다!
Connected with your SEAT

자세히 읽기 ›

지원되는 디바이스

Flow 카드

위의 디바이스를 클릭하면 관련 Flow 카드만 표시됩니다.


Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
잠금 해제됨
Seat - Fuel
Connection has changed
Seat - Fuel
Car came/left Home
Seat - Fuel
Is vehicle moving / not moving
Seat - Fuel
Plug connection has changed
Seat - Fuel
Driven mileage has changed
Seat - Fuel
Estimated max range has changed
Seat - Fuel
Fuel-level has changed
Seat - Fuel
The inspection (Days) has changed
Seat - Fuel
The inspection (KM) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil change (Days) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil change (KM) has changed
Seat - Fuel
Oil-level has changed
Seat - Fuel
Range has changed
Seat - Fuel
The outdoor temperature changed
Seat - Fuel
Data has updated
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
잠금 해제됨
Seat - Hybrid
배터리 수준 변경됨
Seat - Hybrid
Started/Stopped charging
Seat - Hybrid
Climatisation is on/off
Seat - Hybrid
Connection has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Car came/left Home
Seat - Hybrid
Is vehicle moving / not moving
Seat - Hybrid
Plug connection has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge power (KW) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge rate (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Charge target has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Driven mileage has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Estimated max range has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Fuel-level has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The inspection (Days) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The inspection (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil change (Days) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil change (KM) has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Oil-level has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Range has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Remaining charge time has changed
Seat - Hybrid
Remaining climate time has changed
Seat - Hybrid
The outdoor temperature changed
Seat - Hybrid
Data has updated


Seat - Fuel
록 잠김
Seat - Fuel
is connected
Seat - Fuel
is home
Seat - Fuel
is moving
Seat - Fuel
plug is connected
Seat - Hybrid
록 잠김
Seat - Hybrid
is charging
Seat - Hybrid
Is climatisation on
Seat - Hybrid
is connected
Seat - Hybrid
is home
Seat - Hybrid
is moving
Seat - Hybrid
plug is connected


Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
잠금 해제
Seat - Fuel
... battery charge
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation (V2)
Seat - Fuel
... climatisation (V3)
Seat - Fuel
Seat - Fuel
Flash & Honk
Seat - Fuel
Force Refresh
Seat - Fuel
Set update interval to Update interval minutes
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation (V2)
Seat - Fuel
... ventilation (V3)
Seat - Fuel
... window heating
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
잠금 해제
Seat - Hybrid
... battery charge
Seat - Hybrid
Set Min. Charge limit to Min. Charge limit
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation (V2)
Seat - Hybrid
... climatisation (V3)
Seat - Hybrid
Seat - Hybrid
Flash & Honk
Seat - Hybrid
Force Refresh
Seat - Hybrid
Set Max. Charge level to ...
Seat - Hybrid
Set update interval to Update interval minutes
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation (V2)
Seat - Hybrid
... ventilation (V3)
Seat - Hybrid
... window heating


이 앱에 문제가 있습니까? 개발자에게 문의하려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

새로운 기능

버전 1.26.5 — FIX: fallback mapping

업데이트 로그 보기

Seat Connect

선택하신 Homey에 Seat Connect이(가) 호환되지 않습니다.

Seat Connect이(가) 곧 Homey에 설치됩니다.
앱 설치