Android IP Webcam

Control your Android IP Webcam using Homey
Control your Android IP Webcam using Homey

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IP Webcam on Android
배터리 수준이 변경되면
IP Webcam on Android
움직임이 감지되면
IP Webcam on Android
움직임이 없으면
IP Webcam on Android
알람이 켜지면
IP Webcam on Android
알람이 꺼지면
IP Webcam on Android
조도가 변경되면


IP Webcam on Android
움직임이 감지되면
IP Webcam on Android
알람이 켜지면


IP Webcam on Android
Email live snapshot to Send mail to
Take a snapshot and send it with email (make sure email is configured in the app settings).
IP Webcam on Android
... with Threshold (1 - 1000)
Set the motion or sound threshold that triggers the alarm. Lower threshold will trigger the alarm faster.
IP Webcam on Android
Swith night vision ... with gain Gain (0.25 - 60) and exposure Exposure (1 - 20)
Switch the nightvision and set the gain and exposure
IP Webcam on Android
Zoom to x
IP Webcam on Android
Set stream quality to %
IP Webcam on Android
Switch the LED ...
IP Webcam on Android
Switch camera to ...


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새로운 기능

버전 3.0.8 — Framework updates, no functional changes.

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Android IP Webcam

선택하신 Homey에 Android IP Webcam이(가) 호환되지 않습니다.

Android IP Webcam이(가) 곧 Homey에 설치됩니다.
앱 설치