Nobø Energy Control

A smart way to control your Nobø heating
A smart way to control your Nobø heating

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Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status changed
Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status changed to Home
Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status changed to Comfort
Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status changed to Eco
Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status changed to Away


Nobø Energy Control
Nobo Hub status is ...


Nobø Energy Control
Set Nobo Hub mode to... ...


Le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d'assistance directe.


Version 1.0.10 — Renamed the app to its correct name

Afficher le journal des modifications

Nobø Energy Control

Nobø Energy Control n'est pas compatible avec le Homey sélectionné.

Nobø Energy Control va s'installer sur Homey dans un instant.