Cette appli n’est pas compatible avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Cette appli est obsolète et nécessite une mise à jour pour fonctionner avec Homey Pro (Early 2023).
Malheureusement, le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
Ambi Climate
Add wifi support for Ambi Climate v2
Initial release for Ambi Climate v2, supporting only on/off and retrieving current settings for target temperature and temperature sensors.
Please note that, the target temperature and AC mode is currently read only as changing them will cause Ambi Climate to go into Manual mode (no longer on AI Comfort Mode). This is done intentionally.
How to use
This app will redirect to Ambi Climate's login page to request for authentication for Homey to control the Ambi Climate device(s).
Known Issues/Future release
1. Target temperature is currently read only. This is done intentionally as we should be using the comfort mode of the Ambi Climate where the AI sets its own temperature.
2. AC Mode is currently read only. This is done intentionally as we should be using the comfort mode of the Ambi Climate where the AI sets its own mode.
3. On and off will only activate the Comfort Mode or Off Mode.
4. Full information of the AC is available from the API but not displayed to the app. This may be added in the future.
5. Feedback on AI mode to Ambi Climate may be added in the future.
6. Device status and sensors (temperature, humidity) are polled separately to reduced polling traffic and improve performance. The longer the poll the better the response.
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Cartes Flow
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Ambi Climate
La température cible a été modifiée
Ambi Climate
La température a changé
Ambi Climate
L'humidité a changé
Ambi Climate
Le mode du thermostat a changé ...
Ambi Climate
Mode thermostat est ...
Ambi Climate
Alterner activé ou désactivé
Ambi Climate
Définir la température °C
Ambi Climate
Définir le mode ...
Le développeur de cette appli ne propose pas d’assistance directe.
Version 1.0.1 — Updated readme
Afficher le journal des modifications