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Cette appli est en cours de test, et n’a jamais été revue. Il se peut qu’elle ne fonctionne pas comme attendu.
Prenez des précautions supplémentaires en installant cette appli.
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This app only supports cameras that comply with the ONVIF S and T profiles but that includes devices from hundred of different brands.
If the camera is compatible it should be detected during Add new device procedure provided it is on the same network segment.
The cameras can even be on a sub-network, provided the sub-nets are routable, but you will need to manually enter the IP address.
If the cameras are connected to a compatible NVR then the NVR will be detected initially but when you add the NVR you will then be shown each camera to add.
You can view the current snapshot image if the camera can provide a JPG image via a URL.
Plus, if the camera supports a compatible motion detection method, you can:
* Get a motion alert with a flow trigger,
* Get a motion snapshot image if the camera supports a JPG image.
* Set the delay between motion detection and snapshot.
* Enable single or multiple alerts while motion is triggered.
* You can also enable and disable Homey motion detection via the device tile or flow cards.
An image is captured when a motion alert is generated and can be viewed in the device tile as well as a 'live' snapshot image that is refreshed at will.
Those images can also be accessed by flow tags to be sent to other devices by action cards.
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Cartes Flow
Cliquez sur un appareil ci-dessus pour afficher uniquement les cartes Flow associées.
Caméra ONVIF
Motion was detected
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme mouvement s'est activée
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme mouvement s'est désactivée
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme sabotage s'est activée
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme sabotage s'est désactivée
ONVIF Camera
The dark image turned on
ONVIF Camera
The dog / cat detected alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The face detected alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The line crossed alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The person detected alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The sound alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The storage alarm turned off
ONVIF Camera
The storage alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The vehicle detected alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
The vistor detected alarm turned on
ONVIF Camera
Motion snapshot ready
ONVIF Camera
Motion disabled
ONVIF Camera
Motion enabled
ONVIF Camera
Snapshot ready
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme mouvement est en marche
ONVIF Camera
L'alarme sabotage est en marche
ONVIF Camera
La detection de mouvement est activée
ONVIF Camera
L'image du mouvement sera prête dans Wait Time secondes...
ONVIF Camera
Aller à la position préréglée Numéro de position
ONVIF Camera
Désactiver la détection de mouvement
ONVIF Camera
Activer la détection de mouvement
ONVIF Camera
Mettre à jour l'image
ONVIF Camera
Mettre à jour l'image de mouvement
Vous avez un problème avec cette appli ?
Contacter le développeur ici.
Version 2.0.51 — Added support for PTZ presets.
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