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JSON Handler

JSON handler and manipulator
JSON handler and manipulator

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Wenn ...

JSON Handler
Loopname started with item (1 text)

Dann ...

JSON Handler
Start Loopnaam/Tag for each item in Collection with (optional: Text 1) and Set Wait to Finish to Yes
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Text 1=Text 1, Property Path Number 1=Number 1, Property Path Yes/No 1=Yes/No 1
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Text 1=Text 1, Property Path Text 2=Text 2, Property Path Text 3=Text 3, Property Path Number 1=Number 1, Property Path Number 2=Number 2, Property Path Number 3=Number 3, Property Path Yes/No 1=Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2=Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3=Yes/No 3
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Text 1=Text 1, Property Path Text 2=Text 2, Property Path Text 3=Text 3, Property Path Text 4=Text 4, Property Path Text 5=Text 5, Property Path Number 1=Number 1, Property Path Number 2=Number 2, Property Path Number 3=Number 3, Property Path Number 4=Number 4, Property Path Number 5=Number 5, Property Path Yes/No 1=Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2=Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3=Yes/No 3, Property Path Yes/No 4=Yes/No 4, Property Path Yes/No 5=Yes/No 5
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Text 1=Text 1, Property Path Text 2=Text 2, Property Path Text 3=Text 3, Property Path Text 4=Text 4, Property Path Text 5=Text 5, Property Path Text 6=Text 6, Property Path Text 7=Text 7, Property Path Text 8=Text 8, Property Path Text 9=Text 9, Property Path Text 10=Text 10, Property Path Number 1=Number 1, Property Path Number 2=Number 2, Property Path Number 3=Number 3, Property Path Number 4=Number 4, Property Path Number 5=Number 5, Property Path Number 6=Number 6, Property Path Number 7=Number 7, Property Path Number 8=Number 8, Property Path Number 9=Number 9, Property Path Number 10=Number 10, Property Path Yes/No 1=Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2=Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3=Yes/No 3, Property Path Yes/No 4=Yes/No 4, Property Path Yes/No 5=Yes/No 5, Property Path Yes/No 6=Yes/No 6, Property Path Yes/No 7=Yes/No 7, Property Path Yes/No 8=Yes/No 8, Property Path Yes/No 9=Yes/No 9, Property Path Yes/No 10=Yes/No 10
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Json 1=Json 1, Property Path Json 2=Json 2, Property Path Json 3=Json 3, Property Path Json 4=Json 4, Property Path Json 5=Json 5
JSON Handler
Build JSON (Existing JSON) Property Path Json 1=Json 1, Property Path Json 2=Json 2, Property Path Json 3=Json 3, Property Path Json 4=Json 4, Property Path Json 5=Json 5, Property Path Json 6=Json 6, Property Path Json 7=Json 7, Property Path Json 8=Json 8, Property Path Json 9=Json 9, Property Path Json 10=Json 10
JSON Handler
Read JSON Existing JSON, Property Path Text 1, Property Path Number 1, Property Path Yes/No 1
JSON Handler
Read JSON Existing JSON, Property Path Text 1, Property Path Text 2, Property Path Text 3, Property Path Number 1, Property Path Number 2, Property Path Number 3, Property Path Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3
JSON Handler
Read JSON Existing JSON, Property Path Text 1, Property Path Text 2, Property Path Text 3, Property Path Text 4, Property Path Text 5, Property Path Number 1, Property Path Number 2, Property Path Number 3, Property Path Number 4, Property Path Number 5, Property Path Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3, Property Path Yes/No 4, Property Path Yes/No 5
JSON Handler
Read JSON Existing JSON, Property Path Text 1, Property Path Text 2, Property Path Text 3, Property Path Text 4, Property Path Text 5, Property Path Text 6, Property Path Text 7, Property Path Text 8, Property Path Text 9, Property Path Text 10, Property Path Number 1, Property Path Number 2, Property Path Number 3, Property Path Number 4, Property Path Number 5, Property Path Number 6, Property Path Number 7, Property Path Number 8, Property Path Number 9, Property Path Number 10, Property Path Yes/No 1, Property Path Yes/No 2, Property Path Yes/No 3, Property Path Yes/No 4, Property Path Yes/No 5, Property Path Yes/No 6, Property Path Yes/No 7, Property Path Yes/No 8, Property Path Yes/No 9, Property Path Yes/No 10


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Was ist neu?

Version 1.2.9 — Resolved: Paths with spaces were not handled correctly.

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JSON Handler

JSON Handler ist mit dem gewählten Homey nicht kompatibel.

JSON Handler wird in Kürze auf Homey installiert.