HomeKit Controller

Homekit Controller for a better Homey
Homekit Controller for a better Homey

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Supported devices

Flow cards

Click on a device above to show related Flow cards only.


Homekit IP
Zone Select Room or Zone became free
Homekit IP
Zone Select Room or Zone became occupied
Homekit IP
Button Button has been pressed
Homekit IP
Snapshot from camera or doorbell
Homekit IP
Capability Capabilities has changed
Homekit IP
Sensor Sensor state has been changed
Homekit IP
Zone Select Zone is minutes or seconds <= 10! Unit active
Homekit IP
Zone Select Zone is minutes or seconds <= 10! Unit inactive


Homekit IP
Room or Zone select Room or Zone is occupied
Homekit IP
Capability Capabilities is Capability options, or value Capability number


Homekit IP
Set a color ...
Homekit IP
Set a random color
Homekit IP
Update Capabilities with Capability options, or update with the value Capability number
Homekit IP
Create snapshot
Homekit IP
Set the hue °
Select a color from the hue scale, for example red (0°/360°), yellow (60°), or blue (180°).
Homekit IP
Set the saturation %
Homekit IP
Set a temperature %
Adjusts the temperature of the light. A higher value means a warmer color.


Having an issue with this app? Contact the developer via the Homey Community Forum.

What’s new

Version 1.3.18 — Fixing in some bridge accesories

View changelog

HomeKit Controller

HomeKit Controller is not compatible with the selected Homey.

HomeKit Controller will install on Homey shortly.
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