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Date Condition

Expand Flow possibilities with more date conditions
Expand Flow possibilities with more date conditions

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Flow cards


Date Condition
Today is day Date of year
Day of year
Date Condition
Today is first day in ...
Today is first day in quarter
Date Condition
Today is first day in month
Date Condition
Today is first ... of current month
Day of week
Date Condition
Today is first ... in ...
Today matches weekday and month provided.
Date Condition
Today is last day in ...
Today is last day in quarter
Date Condition
Today is last day in month
Date Condition
Today is last ... in month
Date Condition
Today is a ... in ...
Today matches weekday and month provided.


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What's new

Version 1.0.4 — Add condition for last given day of month

View changelog

Date Condition

Date Condition is not compatible with the selected Homey.

Date Condition will install on Homey shortly.
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